Saturday, January 16, 2010

New Year, New Camera, New House! 03 Jan 2010

After a very wet December that caused us to take our boots on/off every time we went outside and taking time to unpack our household goods, Ellen and I were able to enjoy the Christmas and New Year holidays in our new house. With some Christmas money we decided the Kodak digital camera was not worth repairing )too much dust I think) and so we bought a Canon Powershot camera. The software drivers didn't load on my Apple PowerMac but did on Ellen's iBook. using the home wifi network I was able to transfer those files, update them from Cannon and transfer these photos from the camera to the computer for uploading!

We had our first dinner guests over and had more driveway work done. Now we can at least park next to the house without needing to be pulled out by our neighbor's tractor.

There are a few minor punch list items to take care of, but otherwise we just have to now manage our new mortgage, homeowners insurance and real estate taxes.

Note that our orange colored cat, Ember, has found a way to climb the kitchen "superstructure" to find the perfect catwalk and sleeping perch. See if you can find him in the Kitchen picture.


  1. Thank you, I've been anxiously awaiting these photos. I hope you will post more. Did you build your house just like the original plan or did you make changes?

  2. Would it be rude to ask what some of the costs were? Maybe the sq Ft costs?

  3. YES good one, I found him when I enlarged the picture!! I have lost the phone number again!! Ellen call me!! Heidi

  4. I'm not sure if you are still checking back with your blog. However, I have a question that I have tried googling and have not found an answer. My husband and I want to build this house on a smaller scale and we already have made some changes to the square footage. The one thing I don't know is the vaulted ceiling height in the living room/kitchen. We want to keep the ceiling around 14-16 ft. We're just not sure if that is too low and how it will affect the look of the rest of the house. Your house is beautiful! Thanks!
