Thursday, March 26, 2009

Ready for the slab after a ton of rain - 26 Mar 2009

Plumber began his underground plumbing and the carpenter lays out his slab forms. A very wet couple of days. drainage canals had to be dug alongside the driveway. Next door neighbor worried about the culvert and drainage from out lot.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Dirt, Dirt, and More Dirt! 12 Mar 2009

Our consulting architect, J Vaughan Sollenberger, and our general contractor, Joe D Hodge, meet togther with Ellen and I on Thursday afternoons at the lot. Finally all the muck dirt has been removed and used to fill the mistaken cut from the parish right-of-way. All the fill dirt has been brought in and compacted. We can discuss other items going forward.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Oops -can't use Parish Right-of-Way! 09 Mar 2009

We didn't what the dozer guys did was correct.  Our next door neighbors contacted the Parish Council about us not not being allowed to use the parish right-of-way. St tammany Parish wrote us a letter saying we needed to cut the driveway the way it was diagramed in our USACE Wetlands permit. We would need to replace all the red fill dirt and fill it back with original "muck" dirt. This has caused us a lot of wasted time and money. notice how deep the muck dirt goes where the crane is.