Thursday, April 30, 2009

Roof rafters and porch form the house - 30 April 2009

A good meeting today. Our consulting architect arrived before Ellen and I could be there, but according to our builder he was quite happy with the way the framing has proceeded. Roof rafters and overhangs over the porch and their supports provide a good idea of the final shape of the house. Choices need to be made on roofing type and interior items. Doors and windows could go in as early as next week. Good weather this past week kept progress on track.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Roof line and dormers begin to form - 23 April 2009

Thursday again and time for our on-site meeting with the builder and consulting architect. Vaughan couldn't make it so I am sending him this link to help him keep up-to-date as well.
Framing crew have been working hard and making fast progress. Now the roof line is taking shape and we can see a couple of the living room dormer windows. Plywood begins to enclose the living space.  Decking will come later. Decisions have to be made soon on interior finishes, insulation, roof type, etc. I need to go to CLECO the utility company with the right of way documents signed. Joe, our builder was wondering why CLECO hadn't installed the power line yet - oops my fault.  I have next Monday off and will get it done then. 
Warm day to day - a high of 92F!

Monday, April 20, 2009

House beginning to take shape - 20 April 1009

Ellen and I caught a couple of boys unwrapping some tar tape and maybe had broken a long piece of lumber. We scared them away. We hope they don't come back and cause more trouble. We decided to check up on what work was done today - quite a lot!  The framing crew were still tidying up at 6:30 pm.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The framers arrive and get to work - 16 Apr 2009

Our builder's framing crew arrive and  waste no time in getting busy! Hopefully the weather will cooperate and there aren't any big surprises to come.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Pole/Pier blocks go up - 12 Apr 2009

The block was able to put in his blocks - 4 blocks per pier for 100 piers =  400 blocks. Next will come the floor joists and base floor. Then Regions Bank will disburse the remainder of the first draw. However, we did get the bill from the Earthworks guys - they charged us an extra $38,000 for all that fill dirt, etc.  This will come form the 10% contingency fund in the loan, but it makes everything else going forward beheld close to the budget.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Slab poured, the weather has cleared - 08 Apr 2009

Finally the weather has cleared and the slab base was able to be poured. next will come the pole/piers. Additional gravel has helped stabilize the driveway.