Wow, it has been a tough 2 weeks since my last post. Slow progress. We had some problems with the kitchen cabinets, namely a wrongly ordered side cabinet and some mismatched colors.
Ellen wanted the the Kitchen wood trim to match the kitchen cabinets - so our painter, Thomas Quave, had paint color-matched to one of the cabinet doors. The result revealed the differences in color amongst the cabinetry. We also had changed our mind on color choices for some other rooms. Meanwhile bills are piling up and the bank was being very tight-fisted on advancing funds based on progress. In the end we had to dip more into savings to pay the tradesmen.
Luckily in one of our weekly meetings with our builder we were joined by the retail cabinet store manager/owner and a regional cabinet company official. Both saw the color differences in the cabinets. The company rep agreed to have the entire set of cabinets repainted. So we have to wait for that to happen. The delay in getting the kitchen sink from Kohler and the missing cabinet has delayed the installation of the counter top.
The painter, in this down period, tried some different trim and wall paint combinations to improve the visual interest/contrast since we found the off white trim blended almost too well with the great room paint scheme. What a hot, miserable summer!